What’s Odeme Analysis?
Odeme Analysis is a software, totally free, to be used with products made by Odeme.

With it, it’s possible to do necessary calculus to obtain the filtration levels, the hydraulic conductivity, and the traction tension from dental materials among others.

The software is free and it was developed with the contribution from many researchers, therefore, suggestions for improvement are always welcome. With those suggestions, we can improve new functionalities that will certain help all the researchers.

Send your comments and suggestions to this e-mail address: odeme@odeme.com.br
1. Download the installation file.
2. Run the file.
3. When running, it will open the initial screen for installation. Click in “Browse” to select the folder to save, i.e, the file where you want Analysis to be installed and saved.
4. Wait until the installation process is ended.
5. Open the file where the software was installed and run the Analysis.